Teach in Spain thru Auxiliar de Conversación Program - Guide to Language and Culture Assistant Auxiliary Program in Spain for Filipino Citizens

This is not uncommon since there are really demands for English teachers abroad. Spain, for example, is known for hiring non-Spanish teachers to teach English. In this article, I will be sharing some useful guide to get you started on your journey of becoming an English teacher in Spain.

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All You Need To Know About The Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO) Guidance And Counseling Program for Filipinas with Foreign Fiance/ Spouse

CFO is a Philippine Agency that is tasked to promote migrant welfare and interest. Its main task is to register and provide pre-departure orientation to emigrants. The certificate of attendance is usually being asked at the Philippines Immigration before you can depart the country. SO please make sure you know this!

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DIY Guide on How I got my CANADIAN Student Permit Online - My Experience as a Filipina living in the Philippines

Are you planning to migrate and study in Canada? If yes, then this post will certainly of help to you (HOPING)  I hope you’re not thinking of handing your hard earn money to an agency to process this because I’m telling you right now that it’s a lot more easier than you think, and you could just set aside that money and add it to your proof of funds instead.

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“If You Don't Know How, Ask Kach Howe” Series #1: Answering Specific Questions about Visa Applications Invitation Letter and Rejections

Ask Kach Howe Series - This is especially if the questions are redundant to the point that I get the same question every single day from 10 different people or when the questions are already answered in one of my blog posts. This happens a lot and I swear it’s time consuming especially if there’s a lot of follow up questions.

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