7 Ways To Prove Rootedness or "Deep Ties" In Your Country For Visa Applications: Guide and Tips for Filipinos

One of the very important things that the Consul will look for in your visa application is your deep-rootedness in your country. Deep-rootedness is defined in the dictionary as deeply rooted; firmly implanted or established. So the question now is: How do you prove that you are firmly established in your home country?

I always suggest that you write a very detailed cover letter whenever you send your application, yes the consuls accept and read it esp. for UK, Schengen, Australia or Canada visa applications.

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10 Tips on How You Can Travel the World Cheaply

“I can’t travel because I’m poor”

“How can I travel, I don’t even have money!”

I’ve been reading a lot of comments from Filipinos about my articles on travels. Most of them are assuming that my parents are rich, which is how I can afford this around-the-world-backpacking lifestyle for two years now from South East Asia to South America. No, my parents never gave me money (nor my boyfriend) and we don’t even have or use a credit card (we are debt-free). We’re actually earning money while traveling!

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Everything you Need to Know about Applying and Getting a Schengen Visa. Most common Question Asked about Schengen Visa for 3rd World Passport, Here are the Answers!

A lot of people, most especially those who are holding a 3rd World Passport, still ask tonnes of questions about Schengen visa. We already wrote an article on how to apply for a Schengen visa but we thought of collating the frequently asked questions about it. This is so you can easily understand the nitty – gritties and possibly ace your visa application – the best possible way.

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