Kach Solo Travels in 2021: Riding Iron Ore Train, the world's longest freight train

Aside from historical towns, Mauritania is also the home of the longest and heaviest train in the world. The Train du Desert in Mauritania is 2km long and consists of 200 carriages. There's no conductor, no tickets, no CR, no rooms, no charging station, no fixed schedule - challenging diba?🤯

As warned by my fellow travel bloggers and friends, the ride would be super exhausting. So I really prepared myself as I can't change my mind while being on the train; it's not like MRT that has many stops. And even if they stop, I don't like to be left in the middle of the Sahara desert! Haha 🤪

Riding the Iron Ore train for 12 hours feels like I'm floating! Plus, this journey is also one of the filthiest trips I did because of the dust. That's why we wore goggles and wrapped our faces to shield ourselves from incredible amounts of dust. 😬🥽

So if you're looking for a thrilling, exhilarating, and once-in-a-lifetime experience, you should ride the Iron Ore Train! ☺️

Gigisingin nya ang bored mong Katawang Lupa! HAHA 🤣

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