Kach Solo Travels in 2021: Roadtrip to Ouadane, one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Mauritania! ❤️

The ancient ksour (fortified village) of Ouadane in Mauritania has been tagged as UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996. The first things you will notice are piles of stone and rubble! Unlike Chinguetti, there's still a lot you can see and feel from the ruins of Ouadane. 🙌🏼

Near Ouadane, we also visited the Eye of the Sahara, also known as The Richat Structure. This spot looks great from above. You will think this might be due to an asteroid impact (or an alien's hidden message 👽) because of its shape and size. But, this is a deeply eroded geologic dome. It's one of the world's most unusual landscapes!😲

We capped off our third night by watching a local folklore dance. Plus, the locals had a surprise party for us!

Thanks, Time4Mauritania Tour Operator for making this trip happen! 🎉

How about you guys, how's your week so far?

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Kach Solo Travels in 2021 Roadtrip to Ouadane, one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Mauritania!11.jpg
Kach Solo Travels in 2021 Roadtrip to Ouadane, one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Mauritania!23.jpg
Kach Solo Travels in 2021 Roadtrip to Ouadane, one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Mauritania!26.jpg
Kach Solo Travels in 2021 Roadtrip to Ouadane, one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Mauritania!30.jpg