How to Use Twitter to Promote Your Travel Blog [Tips for Newbie Digital Nomads]

Tweeting is gold for your travel blog. With over 500 million users, you can easily drive traffic to your blog and get more readers through tweeting.

Photo by Sara Kurfeß

Photo by Sara Kurfeß

But of course, simply tweeting is not enough. It has to be done in a strategic sense to maximize the benefits, not just for you but also for your followers.

QUICK TIP: The magic words are creativity and pro-activity.

Curious how to get it done? Here are 10 simple but powerful tips to harness the full potential of your tweets:

How to Use Twitter to Promote Your Travel Blog

1. Write even shorter tweets.

At 140 characters, you can argue that a tweet is already short. But go even shorter! Use 100 characters or less - it has been found to get a 21% higher interaction rate.

This is possibly because a short tweet tends to be provocative. It presents a challenge to write but it is worth it. Get creative. Aim to invoke interest.

EXPERT TIP: What you tweet does not have to be the actual title of your post. For example, you could tweet "When does it end?" and link to a blog post about the top 50 islands in The Philippines.

HOW-TO: Before posting a tweet, write five variations, each shorter than the last. Read your output and post the best out of the bunch!

2. Entice with a quote.

Quotes do extremely well on Twitter. A quote is 54% more likely to get retweeted so get on it! Pick the most intriguing quote from an article you have and post it. Again, it has to be short and creative and not exactly the title of your article.

Most likely, if you get a retweet, the person who did so went over to your website to read the entire thing.

3. Share statistics.

Numbers are eloquent and it is so useful when grabbing the attention of followers. If any statistics are involved in your blog post, be sure to tweet about them.

People love statistics and they make a big impact. The timeline is usually flooded with letters so it is obvious how numbers tend to stand out.

HOW-TO: Tweet: "Did you know that over 1.5 million Koreans visited The Philippines in 2016?" then include a link on the best Korean restaurants in Clark, Angeles City.

4. Use #.

Nothing better than # to connect with your followers. This symbol # is called a hashtag. It spreads tweets quicker and takes the form of a word or two behind a #.

HOW-TO: Use specific hashtags. If you are promoting something specific like an event, contest, blog, or product, create your own hashtag for it.

For example, #TwoTravelMonkeysGroup. Your followers can simply use the same hashtag to start a discussion about your blog. The hashtag appears on the feed for that hashtag search and this easily generates interest for your blog, which translates to higher traffic. However, general hashtags also do well. Blog topics like travel, travel to a certain place, or a lifestyle are all relatable for your followers.

5. Use @mentions.

Mentions are shoutouts. You use the symbol @ followed by a username, as such: @username.

HOW-TO: If your blog post includes anything or anyone prominent, mention them in a tweet with a link to your blog post. The best-case scenario is this prominent entity also retweets you to their followers. Also, mention followers who leave great comments on your posts, as well as authors and guest bloggers. This is always a nice gesture that will return to you double!

6. Retweet your mentions.

Anyone who mentions you or your blog post, retweet them!

7. Ask for a retweet.

Isn't it a little forward? No! According to statistics, tweets that directly ask for a retweet get over 20 times as many shares than those who do not. So don't worry about it - just ask!

Photo by Luke Chesser

Photo by Luke Chesser

8. Add nice images.

Travel blogs never have a problem with this. Your beautiful travel pictures are probably infinite! Use them by making your tweets more enticing. Simply attach a lovely image to your tweet - something relatable or intriguing to get your followers clicking through to your blog post.

HOW-TO: Another way to do this is to use a visual call-to-action. It is as simple as attaching an image to a tweet with an encouragement to click the link to know more.

9. Ask questions.

Pick a question related to the topic of your post and tweet about it. Again, you do not have to tweet the title of your post. It is better to get creative to attract the curiosity of your followers. Just ask anything relevant to your followers

10. Promote your tweets.

Advertise! Promoted tweets are an inexpensive and effective way to spread your content. Your tweets will appear on the feeds of followers as well as your target market. It is a quick way to broadcast tweets that will drive traffic to your blog.

A personal example of how we use Twitter to promote our travel blog:

Photo by freestocks

Photo by freestocks

The golden rule is to tweet and re-tweet. The relationship is give and take. Share content that is valuable to others and they are likely to re-tweet it. In the same way, if you re-tweet something, this catches the attention of people and they tend to do the same for you.

TIP: Schedule your tweets on Hootsuite so you do not flood the feeds of anyone! We made this mistake at @2monkeystravel at the start. After joining Twitter threads, we were just posting everything non-stop! Result? Unfollows! Ouch!

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