Kach Solo Travels in 2019: The struggle is real but I finally got my Afghanistan tourist visa!! πŸ™πŸ™

There were also two Chinese travelers who are going there and thought of joining them but they paid $3,300 for the tour operator and I don’t have that budget...hahaha. The local Tajik people are incredibly nice and even the staff at the embassy.. so thankful!

Now, just waiting for my another visa for Tajikistan so I can be let back to the country before I cross to Kyrgyzstan but they have delays on their e-visa portal and now getting nervous if I will get it or not because there’s no other airport here aside from traveling by land πŸ€“πŸ€“ wish me luck!!

Super thankful to my tour operator in Tajikistan who is helping me on every step of this adventure, also making sure I’m always safe and having a great time.. Contact Paramount Journey if you’ll head to Central Asia and planning an overland adventure β€οΈ

Kach Solo Travels in 2019 The struggle is real but I finally got my Afghanistan tourist visa.jpg