Expat Life in Montenegro Day 404: Monday (yesterday) at the beach! 🤪

I was out again with my friend Irena in the afternoon after her work to a beach spot that I’ve never been before - she said it’s called Blue Horizon. The water is so refreshing and there weren’t a lot of people. I wanna go back to that beach again and go for a long walk. 😍

Now that our house renovation (first phase) is done then I can have more free time to go out and explore Montenegro. 😍 Follow my IG page as I share videos there and some photos (@2monkeystravel and @kach.howe)

Jonathan is also returning home this month before my birthday and I’m really excited to be with him again after 4 months of being away from each other! We’re already talking about some road trips we can do.🤗

There’s a big spike of Crona cases here but there’s no lockdown (yet) but more rules are being applied again - wearing masks, closing of bars etc. We can still go and explore but just not in crowded places 🥺

This thing is really serious ah and I don’t think it’s gonna go away soon.. so guys, stay healthy, look after your mental health and remember that it’s not only you who’s struggling during these days so look at the brighter side of things.🙏🏼

It’s been kinda difficult for me in the last 4 months being on my own and managing our renovation project (and I don’t have any experience!!) but with mindfulness meditation and gratitude practice I was able to handle it!!

I know you guys can do it too. Aja!😇😍💋

Monday (yesterday) at the beach.jpg
Monday (yesterday) at the beach3.jpg