Kach Solo Travels in 2021: Meditation and an Ayurvedic consultation!

Hello Guys, I'm still enjoying my wellness retreat here at the Plantation Villa!✨

Yesterday morning, I had meditation and an Ayurvedic consultation first before starting another treatment.

I also did Udvartana Body Scrub and Kati Vasti at noon. The Udvartana they did was so relaxing! Its main purpose is to break down toxins and help skin tone, which I really need as well! The massage was for a whole 90 minutes, so it was totally worth it! 🙌🏽

Kati Vasti, on the other hand, another treatment that we did was really good for my back! You know, with all the traveling I did, working, and the stress, back pain is really unavoidable. This treatment really helped my back feel much better.

After doing Ayurveda treatments, I also tried a steam bath. Doing a steam bath at Plantation Villa is one of the best things to do here. This is actually advisable to do after massage therapies. They told me that a steam bath offers a lot of benefits, such as improving circulation, lowering blood pressure, burning calories (I need this! haha), loosens stiff joints, reduces stress, and a lot more! Who would have thought that my stay here would be as beneficial as this?😍

Then I also attended an Ayurvedic healthy cookery demonstration where I learned a lot. All the food they are serving here is nutritious organic meals.. and that makes me think to plant more vegetables in Montenegro when I get back! Haha😅

In the afternoon, I had another yoga lesson, but this time I did it alone. The Udvatana Body Scrub, Kati Vasti, Steam Bath, and the yoga that I did the whole day yesterday were all therapeutic!👌🏼💆🏻

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