Kach Solo Travels in 2021: Explored Plantation Villa and its amenities!

Yesterday I was able to explore more of Plantation Villa and its amenities. Seeing the whole place and the nature that surrounds it, walking already feels like therapy. 🍃

During lunch, I had a delicious and nutritious meal. This made me ready for my next schedule which is the Ayurveda Massage. Yey! This massage includes Shirodhara, body, and foot massage, and a relaxing steam bath. 🙌🏽

They told me that Shirodhara is a type of Ayurvedic healing technique. It’s a type of treatment where they will be pouring a liquid onto your forehead. This liquid is usually oil, milk, buttermilk, or water. And what’s the benefit of this? It soothes the hypothalamus and regulates the activity of the pituitary gland. For this reason, it helps treat conditions like insomnia.

Not only that but it also helps improve our blood circulation by stimulating numerous vital points all around the head! No doubt I felt so good after this treatment. Since Shirodhara is usually combined with a body, head, or scalp massage, you will surely have a very great result! In that 45 minutes treatment, I feel like floating as it is so good! 😍

In the afternoon, I attended a group group yoga again before we had our dinner. Then after a delicious meal in the evening, the Plantation Villa organized a wisdom talk.

As I mentioned, this talk involves yoga and Ayurveda philosophy and how to improve our mind and body with the help of Ayurveda treatment. But that night, the talk was about the owner, Ishara, experience of leaving London after finding out she has cancer and how Ayurveda healed her aside from talking about Happiness - how to be really happy.

A good way to end the day before I sleep!❤️

How about you guys, How was your weekend?

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Kach Solo Travels in 2021 Explored more of Plantation Villa and its amenities!9.jpg