Expat Life in Montenegro Day 503: Lunch at the Konoba Trebesin ❤️

Our little “hiking group” was supposed to go on our morning hike yesterday but it was raining so hard so we ended up “feasting” 😬

We arranged to have lunch at the Konoba Trebesin which is a small family-owned restaurant and the food is being prepared and cooked by Nevena and Jovica (her husband)❤️

The only way you can eat there is if you’ll be in a group and you make an appointment in advance! 😍

We had a really big lunch with a lot of salad, prosciutto, olives and homemade bread for appetizer then our main dishes were fresh lamb and veal that is cooked Montenegrin style on the grill! It was really yummy!

Then Nevena prepared my special request of this homemade bread that’s like a little donut (I forgot how they call it!! Haha) then you eat it with jams. Yummy!

Their house/ restaurant is also really interesting because they make their own jams, wine, rakia, etc. we visited it last week, will post photos!

If you guys come to Herceg Novi, this is definitely one of the nicest local activities you should experience! 😀

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