Sailing Life Day 35: Full Moon and Black Saturday in The Bahamas ⛵️
Happy Easter Sunday to everyone in Asia but it’s still Saturday night here!
..and we’re still here in George Town but we moved our sailboat nearer to land! The last 4 days were really windy so the waves were quite rough so we’ve been swaying like a hammock! 🤗🤗 Today, Captain Ahab is really loving it.. we know he loves it when he’s spending most of the day on the deck then snoring (purring) loudly when sleeping! I’m the happiest mommy today! 🙏😍🐈
I spent the day cleaning and organizing our food cabinet, freezer and pre-cooking meals while Jonathan finally finished cleaning the bottom of the boat! I think our Empress will move faster now since we’re already set to leave on Tuesday to for island hopping in South East Bahamas until we reach Dominican Republic via Turks & Caicos! Following the route that our sailing friends, Sailing Satori, did a month ago (thanks for the tips lovely couple!)🙏😍
I decided to pre-cook a lot of our chicken for adobo and ground beef so I can easily use it for our meals while on passage then just sopas for lunch (which I overcooked! Haha)! 🤩 Jonathan has been washing dishes and we’re wasting a lot of water everyday as I cook twice a day! Oops! Better to plan our meals now.. we haven’t bought any grocery since we left Nassau which is great for our budget! You don’t wanna know how much we spent in the last 3 months (I track every expenses on my excel! lol) 🤓
Anyway, excited to begin April with a set of new goals - spiritually, physically, business and my sailing skills!
How about you guys, what are your GOALS this month? Share in the comment below and let’s manifest them together 🙏⛵️❤️