The Best Indoor House Plants Ideas [Montenegro Stone House Renovation Vision Board]

Want to have plants but got no yard to put up your garden? Not a problem! There are several indoor plants to choose from! 

Having indoor plants doesn’t only make your house look good, they can also make us feel mentally and physically good! According to some studies, indoor plants boost mood, productivity, concentration & creativity, they reduce stress, fatigue, sore throats and colds, clean indoor air by absorbing toxins, increasing humidity and producing oxygen, add life to a sterile office, give privacy and reduce noise levels, lastly, they are therapeutic and cheaper than a therapist. For all these reasons, indoor plants are actually a natural healer. 

Choosing the best indoor plant for you can be crucial. No worries as they all serve the same purpose, to purify the air. Some people usually buy or plant indoor plants because they look pretty. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. If you think about it, that’s kind of unfair for the plants since you chose them only because they look appealing. Enough knowledge on how to take care of them is the first thing you must consider, or else the result would not be the way you want it to be. 

First, you have to figure out where you will put your indoor plants. Observe what areas would look better with more green. Once you've identified the spaces that can accommodate plant life, the next thing is to consider is your climate. Are you living in a tropical or seasonal environment? Do you have enough light that comes in through your window? Your answers will help you decide on which indoor plants suit you. If you want a plant to put on your window that will receive bright direct sunlight, choose one that flourishes in those dry and sunny conditions, like an echeveria or haworthia, two popular types of succulents. 

Another thing to remember, if you’re in an area that doesn’t have any boutique plant shops near you with specialists that will guide you through the new plant parent process, then doing your own research is the key.

It is considered that having indoor plants is one of the signs of adulting. Not only because you’re not into that fun and exciting night out anymore, but because you’re adult enough to feel stressed most of the time that your mental and physical health needs a dose of plant therapy! Don’t worry, we’ve all been there and we got you!

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