Kach Solo Travels in 2021: Banc D'Arguin National Park

Banc D'Arguin National Park: Where the Desert meets the Ocean ✨

After a 12-hour iron ore train ride, we headed immediately to Banc D'Arguin National Park. With a trip filled with a lot of dust, one shower isn’t enough; so we swam and let the Atlantic Ocean do its magic. Swim, relax, repeat - that was our mantra.🌊

This park is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1989. It’s a great contrast between the harsh desert and abundant marine life. The Banc D'Arguin National Park is home to seals, dolphins, and whales, and one of the most important habitats for migrating birds, especially fish-eating ones! We tried to catch a fish but it so hard! Haha🤪🤣

If you're planning an overland trip in Mauritania, then contact Time4Mauritania Tour Operator 🙏🏽 My experience so far has been magnificent, and I can't wait for you to try this, too!🤗

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