Expat Life in Montenegro Day 345: Last few weeks of lockdown has been kinda hard for me.

The last few weeks of lockdown has been kinda hard for me.. actually, I felt really lonely as I’m alone. Sometimes, it’s good to have this feeling but I’m happier and more productive now! ❤️

How about you guys, who are you with during the lockdown? How are you entertaining yourselves? Have you felt lonely at some point?

What I haven’t shared with you guys is about our current situation. Jonathan flew to the UK last month before the lockdown and I’m left here in Montenegro on my own dealing with our house construction/ renovation, running our online work and taking care of the 6 cats.

I don’t really mind being alone as I could do it even longer but with pressure from the house project and with no one to interact with was a little bit difficult.

I have the contractor guys working on the house every day so I still see people but not having Jonathan beside me or not having friends to talk to is kinda sad for maybe 2 weeks. And maybe one of the reasons why I felt so frustrated recently because I want it done so Jonathan can go home but the reality is we have a huge overhead expenses 😬

I’m so much better now after reading some books, continuing my daily yoga practice and starting to work on Jonathan’s garden.

We knew our online travel business income will be affected with the Corona issue and so he’s back in the UK.

We have savings but with the unexpected expenses on our house renovation and our declining income would meant we’ll have a problem in the next few months but after almost 7 years of being “semi-retired”, my husband is back to work and actually enjoying it! 😬😬

Maybe got really inspired designing our stonehouse and now he’s designing old buildings to turn it to houses / apartments.

Can’t wait for him to be back but for now, we gotta finish our house and pay off some bills!! ❤️ We want to get this done but still live comfortably afterwards. Aja!

(I’m not worried about the safety as it’s safe here in Montenegro and the police are good!)

Expat Life in Montenegro Day 345 Last few weeks of lockdown has been kinda hard for me.12.jpg