Expat Life in Montenegro Day 495: Our quiet and simple life at home - organic garden and cooking! 😋

So happy and proud of my husband! When he’s not working online, riding a motorbike, or talking about sailboats.. you’d find him in his garden or doing/cooking something! 🤪

During the early years of our relationship, it’s Jonathan who’s been cooking food and doing most household chores as he’s way better than me then I told him I wanted to learn and started doing most things when we lived on our sailboat 🤪

He really loves gardening, I think it’s his kind of meditation.. the season is almost over now so he’s been planting seeds preparing for next spring and now harvesting the last batch of squash, grapes, and chili!

It’s our first year having a garden so hoping next year, we’ll have more plants and veggies! It’s so cheap to buy organic veggies and fruits here but we’re hoping to plant more stuff that we couldn’t buy here esp. Chinese eggplant, okra, long beans, ampalaya, etc! Haha 🤪

Jonathan made some chili sauce, bean sprouts from mung beans, and even kombucha in the last few days! He’s planning to make an English cider for me soon! Haha

I really hope he’ll get into baking but he said he’s not interested! Hahahaha 🤪

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