Kach Solo Travels in 2019: Nomadic family in Elsen Tasarkhai 🏕

From one homestay to another nomadic family in Elsen Tasarkhai. 🏕

First time to experience riding a Bactrian camel - 2 hump camel! Completely different from my previous experiences in UAE, Kuwait and Morocoo 😍These camels are owned by nomadic family and being treated fairly so I decided to go on a ride to the sand dunes with one of the kids as my guide! 😍

This area is actually 300 kms away from Ulaanbaatar and I’m sure that if you visit Mongolia then this tour is going to be part of your itinerary. 🚘

This night I slept with a nomadic family’s yurt and woke up early morning to join them with their work with their animals! Ah, this is my kind of trip ❤️

P.S. There are a lot of tour operators in Mongolia and some could charge you a lot of money.. I suggest contacting Degii at vaststeppe.com who arranged mine and she can organize a trip for you based on your budget and interest. She’s the same age as me and started as a tour guide and now starting her own tour company! 😍

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