Kach Solo Travels in 2019: My place for 3 days here in Mongolia! ๐Ÿ˜

Oh Mongolia, always been a dream to travel here so glad to finally able to experience it. Sharing you today where Iโ€™ve been sleeping in the last 3 days so you know that you have different options when you decide to visit this beautiful country โค๏ธ

If you know me personally or youโ€™ve followed our travels from the beginning then you know that I can literally sleep anywhere - train stations in India, swag camping in Australia, luxury hotels or any transportation.. I will sit down and sleep immediately. ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜†

After arriving really early in the morning in Ulaanbaatar, my host Deggie of Vast Steppe Mongolia arranged for me to sleep at a backpacker guesthouse.. this is ideal if you want to meet fellow travelers or usually young local owners.๐Ÿ˜Š

From there, we drove for 200 kms for my first day of adventure to the nomadic family in Gorkhi- Terelj National Park was already amazing but it just gets better everyday.. on our first night, we stayed at an Eco-camp resort. ๐Ÿš˜๐Ÿ˜Š

For those travelers who love convenience then nice and modern eco-resorts do exist here in Mongolia like the Gorkhi Eco Family Resort. I had a very nice yurt for myself with heated flooring as itโ€™s really cold at night.. this family-owned resort has hot shower, play area with tipi huts and itโ€™s by the river where you can see a lot of animals. ๐Ÿ˜

Then on my second night we drove 300 kms. to reach Elsen Tasarkhai sand dunes where I experienced riding a camel (I think these camels are different that my experience in UAE, Kuwait and Morocco before because they have two humps on its back).. will talk more on another post.๐Ÿ˜Š

This night, I slept in a yurt with the grandma and grandpa of another nomadic family. The grandma even prepared my bed and made sure Iโ€™m warm for the night.. they woke up around 5am and started working with their animals while I sat with them watching the sunrise and offered to help herding their cows and sheep! haha. I watched their son and daughters remove the skin of the lamb and sheep for fur. Ah. ๐Ÿคญ

This family live near sand-dunes during summer and they keep moving depending on the season because the animals need to find their food.. my guide told me that these are usually government lands and nomadic family can live anywhere they want.

So guys, what do you think? Where do you prefer to stay - eco resorts, homestay or guesthouse/ backpacker hostels? ๐Ÿ˜

P.S. The camels are owned by different nomadic family and they are being treated well. โค๏ธ

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