SOLO FEMALE TRAVELER - Is Solo Travel Scary? Tips on How To Be Safe While Traveling Solo

Tell anyone you are traveling solo and there is sure to be a certain degree of shock and awe. Alone! It seems unthinkable to those who have yet to try it. But for the many that have traveled solo, it is a life-affirming experience filled with joy and self-discovery.

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Of course, having travel companions has its charms but you cannot wait for a friend all the time. Sometimes you need to go by yourself and go now! If you are still hesitating, know this: Solo travel is not to be feared. Do not let your anxieties hold you back. You deserve better! Never let your fears stop you from seeing the world.

In this regard, information is your best security blanket. Know everything there is to know about your chosen destination, prepare thoroughly, and your confidence is sure to skyrocket. Naturally, we are here to help you achieve just that! Read on to find out the best tips and hacks to guide your solo travel.

Question #1: Is it safe?

YES. The safety concern is no different when you are at home. Understand your surroundings, act accordingly, and be smart. Prepare for the trip. Wear appropriate clothes, be polite in carrying yourself, and find out what is acceptable behavior. Anticipate challenges and be aware at all times. Keep yourself out of trouble and adapt to your new environment.

Questions #2: What extra precautions do I need to take if I am a single female?

Come into your new destination armed with a good understanding of the culture. What issues and concerns do women face here? How are they expected to act? What cultural norms should you follow? Get these things down and prepare in advance. This way, you know what to expect and how to behave. Be alert at all times. Trust your wits.

BONUS: Check out the top destinations for female solo travelers.

Question #3: How can I get my family and friends to understand?

This is often a major concern. Naturally, your loved ones worry about you. But do not let their overprotective tendencies hold you back. Have a good talk and explain why you want to travel solo. Demonstrate that you are capable of taking care of yourself and show them that you have done your research to ensure you are out of harm. It helps if you give them a copy of your itinerary so they know where you are staying at all times.

Question #4: Is it lonely?

Travelers tend to be more open-minded. It is so easy to meet fellow backpackers - in fact, everyone welcomes the company! Everywhere you go, you are sure to meet new people. Many of them are also traveling solo and are as shy as you are. Smile and make small talk to break the ice!

Question #5: How bored will I be?

With so much to see and do in a new destination, there is hardly time for sleep, more so being bored! You have an itinerary so work it! Pay attention to the details of your surroundings and take in the life around you. There is really no shortage of stimulation on the road. Visit popular attractions, try local food, hop on local transport, watch a local film - the list of things to do are endless!

Question #6: Is it better to travel solo?

YES. Below is a discussion on the many advantages of hitting the road on your own. And frankly, after you have tasted the liberation of solo traveling, it is difficult to turn back!

Question #7: Can I start small?

It is not a competition. Of course, you can! Do what is most comfortable for you. You can start traveling with a group before heading your own way. Alternatively, start solo traveling within your home country. Check out new places and get a feel for what it is like adapting to a new environment and relying on your own two feet. Trust your abilities!

Question #8: How homesick will I be?

From time to time, you are sure to get homesick. But remember your vision. Why did you want to travel in the first place? Stick to your dreams. Give yourself a chance to be independent. Contact your loved ones regularly to lessen the emotional struggle.

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50 Things You Learn When You Go Solo Traveling

1. The pure taste of independence.

2. Prove to yourself that you are outgoing - or force yourself to be outgoing!

3. Give your guts and confidence a massive boost.

4. Improve your negotiation skills whether for cheaper rides or scoring free accommodation.

5. Spontaneity! Do what you fancy on the spot.

6. No itinerary is fine.

7. Realize that it is a big world but traveling makes it smaller.

8. A genuine smile goes a long way in attracting good people and vibes.

9. It is okay to sleep in the airport.

10. Getting lost in a new city or country is more than okay - it is fun!

11. Do not pass judgment if you need to sleep in a 24-hour McDonald’s.

12. If you are single, this I the perfect time to travel.

13. Getting along with travelers of the opposite gender is easy.

14. Life is short so make it count!

15. Find what you love doing and do more of it.

16. A little patience eventually blooms into more patience.

17. It is okay to travel alone but never lonely.

18. Even the tiniest things feel special and you appreciate everything more since you are not distracted by another person.

19. Maps are your best friends!

20. Do not rely too much on pocket Wi-Fi for navigation.

21. Discover free things to do in every country!

22. Traveling highlights your youth.

23. Traveling opens the mind and breaks down prejudices.

24. Solo travel is cheaper.

25. The flexibility rocks!

26. Smile when you are stressed. Smile when you are tired. Smile when you are in trouble. A smile pulls you through so many bad times.

27. Be open to a date invitation.

28. Be open to a trip invitation.

29. Ask help from strangers.

30. Speak your mind.

31. Trust the goodness in people.

32. Do not be a tourist.

33. It is okay to fall in love with your travels.

34. It is good to have a crush with a travel buddy.

35. Do not expect too much.

36. Learn a foreign language.

37. Bringing a few conversational phrases in the local tongue goes a long way.

38. Have patience with yourself if the foreign language is difficult to learn.

39. It is okay to ask people to speak slower.

40. Embrace your own language, too.

41. Enjoy the nightlife.

42. Everything, even the simplest things, can be an adventure.

43. Remember to seek help from friends in the virtual world.

44. Always spread good vibes - karma!

45. Keep calm and never panic.

46. Be a good problem solver.

47. I appreciate the simple things in life.

48. Be grateful - for everything!

49. Acknowledge all the good things happening.

50. Appreciate yourself and what you do.

Where should you go on a solo trip?

Solo traveling is one of the best things ever. It is quite popular these days because people are becoming more aware of its many wonders.

A destination unravels itself differently when you are exploring it alone, and along the way, you will unravel yourself in interesting and spectacular ways, too.

Often, this is a journey of self-discovery. You learn so much and grow tremendously you come back from your trip a different, much-improved person.

If you have never tried it, or have thought about it, now is the time to give it a try!

It is not as hard as you think. Planning is your best ally and to make it even easier and more exciting for you, below is a compilation of the best destinations perfect for a sojourn of one.

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Cool Countries to Visit as a First Time Solo Traveler

1. Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The Dutch are very friendly and you will not have issues with safety here. Explore the city on a bike just like the locals and see the Van Gogh Museum or have a hot cup of coffee in the many quaint shops.

2. Copenhagen, Denmark

Spend your days strolling along the canals or in the many museums that are free to enter. Soak in the sights that are unmistakably Danish like the Nyhavn, the Little Mermaid, and Christiania Park.

3. New York, USA

Plenty of opportunities for entertainment and leisure are at every turn in New York. Watch free performances at Central Park, walk along the High Line, or see a show on Broadway. Don't forget to have a taste of pizza and bagels that are synonymous with the city.

4. Bangkok, Thailand

Warm weather, great shopping, old temples, and grand waterfalls make Bangkok a great stop. It is mighty cheap, too. Transportation is easy and the food will make your heart sing.

5. Tamarindo, Costa Rica

No shortage of sun and fun here! Popular with surfers and beach lovers, Tamarindo is the place to be to party in beach bars and let loose in reggae music.

8. Montreal, Canada

Canadians are some of the nicest people in the world. Apart from that, the country is filled with pretty attractions including Niagara Falls, Botanical Gardens, and a slew of greenhouses, nightclubs, bars, and museums.

9. Wellington City, New Zealand

All of New Zealand is very safe - stunning in every way, too! Hike up Mount Victoria, eat delicious cuisine, and ride the Wellington Cable Car. Nature and the outdoors are out of this world gorgeous, too. Drink it! 

10. Berlin, Germany

Its grungy-ness intertwined with history makes it an incredibly unique city to visit. Also, there are a number of biking tours to partake in, where a guide will take you through the whole city where you see most of the famous monuments.

Visit the East Side Gallery, a beautiful memorial of the Berlin Wall, which is covered in paintings from artists that are filled with intense emotion.

There are interesting underground Berlin clubs as well, and of course, German food.

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