35 Tips on How to Save Money for Your Travels [Before and Tips on Sustaining Your Travels]
Often, we hear people say "I would travel the world if it is free. You will never see me again!" Posts like this litter the internet or you may have heard it personally from someone you know. Heck, you may have even said it yourself!
Photo by Jude Beck
But traveling is not exclusive for the rich. It is for everyone with a heart for adventure and discovery. It is time you change your mindset!
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Instead of wondering how you can travel the world for free, focus on how you can travel the world for less. It is possible! All you need are good savings tips and some hacks that will lessen your expenses. Fortunately, we have your back. Here are 35 golden nuggets of wisdom that you need to have the money down for your awesome journey!
Photo by Artificial Photography
1. Start a travel fund. This pertains to savings that you will use exclusively for your traveling. How much do you need to save? The bigger, the better, of course. But some people start their trip with only $1,000 while others aim for $5,000.
2. Find ways to sustain your travel fund. How much money you start with is not as important as how you will sustain it. This means stretching your budget and finding work while on the road. More on this later.
3. Do a garage sale. Sell most of your belongings to expand your travel fund. If you are traveling for the long term, you will not need so much stuff anyway.
4. Book cheap flights. Budget airlines are your friends. Look for promos and explore different travel routes for the cheapest flights.
5. Look for jobs online. Work anywhere and get paid by the hour. If you have a computer and an internet connection, you are all set. More on this later.
6. Settle all your debts. You do not want to be watching a beautiful sunset half-way around the world and suddenly worrying about the money you owe!
7. Talk to your family about your finances. State your intentions of traveling the world and how this affects your finances. If you are regularly sending money to your family, explain how the setup may change because of your new goals.
8. Invest. It can be in mutual funds or stocks.
9. Go online. Set up an online banking account to access your money anywhere or print statements anytime.
10. Automate. Go to your bank and automate all your payables in your home country.
11. Get ready: Apply for an extra Prepaid Debit card which you can use booking stuff online.
12. Have backup savings. Always keep an amount enough for a flight home - just in case but hopefully not.
13. Get travel insurance. More on this later.
Photo by ray sangga kusuma
1. Volunteer. Read up on your destination and look for people or organizations that hire volunteer workers in exchange for accommodation or food. Long-term options are available, too. More on this later.
2. Meet relatives or friends abroad. There is nothing like the hospitality of your family and countrymen. For example, if you are visiting the USA, call the people you know there in advance. They are likely to offer you free shelter, food, or a tour!
3. Cook. In some places, the food is cheap. But if you want to truly maximize your budget, cook your own food. Be sure to pick accommodation with free kitchens to use.
4. Party less. Cut back on the booze and put your money to better use. Plus, it is better to explore a new destination minus the hangover.
5. Cross borders by land. It is cheaper than flying in. Take a bus, train, or tuk-tuk. Overnight transportation is a bonus as it saves you one night of accommodation.
6. Hitch-hike. It is not as dangerous as you imagine. Most people are good - just use your common sense and trust your instincts. Ridesharing is another alternative. People with cars advertise the route they’ll be driving and try to find travel buddies to join them and share the expenses. It can be a great way to meet cool new people and to travel in a bit of extra style.
7. Stay in hostels. Book a dorm room and share it with other people. Here is a quick guide to the Best Backpackers Hostels Around the World
8. DIY. Work on your own itinerary instead of booking tours. Get help here: DIY Travel Guide Series – Around the World
9. Match your expectations to your economic reality. You cannot possibly plan to do things worth $10,000 on a budget of $7,000.
10. Join Local and Expats Facebook groups. Get ideas where to eat, where to rent short term apartments, and where to find volunteering opportunities.
11. Share. Be open to meeting friends and fellow backpackers on the road. Share the cost of transportation, have a travel buddy for a leg of your trip, and exchange tips on how to make your travels more meaningful.
12. Always have cash in USD. Think of it as an emergency fund. Some areas may not have ATM and the last thing you want to be is stuck!
13. Cut back on unnecessary expenses. Do you really need to drink expensive coffee? It is a must to simplify your life.
14. Watch it: Track all your expenses.
15. Go to visa-free countries. Spending money on visa applications can sometimes be a hassle. Explore visa-free countries for your passport first!
16. Get visas accepted to more than one destination. As mentioned in the first module, a B-2 USA Visa is accepted in other countries apart from the USA. The same goes for a visa in an OECD member country.
Photo by Helena Lopes
1. Invest in your skills. Volunteering is not your only option. You can work as an English teacher if you have a TEFL certificate, or become a massage therapist, or a yoga instructor. More on this later.
2. Sell arts and crafts. Offer accessories, souvenirs, and art to fellow travelers on the road.
3. Do pop-up cooking events.
4. Beautify. Cut hair or do makeup.
5. Start a travel blog. We have a complete module to teach you how to do this. But first some inspiration: Tips from 30+ travel bloggers on how to earn $5000 from a monetized blog.
6. Work. Look for what is available: do yard work in hostels, serve in bars as a bartender, lead tours, or earn commissions by working at the hostel reception. More on this in the coming modules.
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