OFW STRUGGLES: 12 Tips on How to Overcome Homesickness as a Filipino Working Abroad

It’s not uncommon knowledge that there are more and more Filipinos working abroad - for a better life, career or more salary to support their families back home. But being alone abroad, it’s not easy and yes many OFW is struggling with homesickness.

When we leave the Philippines either for travel or for our work, there will come a time when we miss home. Be it the people; our family and friends, our beloved pets, our comfortable beds, or the routines we have. We get homesick.

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Homesickness, according to researchers, is the “distress or impairment caused by an actual or anticipated separation from home. Its cognitive hallmark is preoccupying thoughts of home and attachment objects”. It can arise because we are in a different environment and still adjusting to it, or we are feeling lonely and miss the comfort of the people we love. We can feel frustrated especially if we have communication barriers in our new place, and it’s hard to express what we think. There are various reasons why homesickness is triggered.


Being homesick is normal; everybody has experienced this. It is a bit different for everybody though; some get a little bit affected, some maybe greatly. I do sometimes miss home, but I have a friend who cried for months. If you are homesick, here are ways to get over homesickness after leaving the Philippines:

1. Explore your place

Don’t stay at your house or a hotel – sightsee that place you are in. Staying inside makes you wallow and think about home, but when you travel around, you’ll discover its beauty. Search on the internet; the tourist attractions, an excellent place to hang out and meet people or the best restaurant to eat local food. Find things or areas you’re comfortable with and associate them with being your new home.

2. Find a Community or a new Group of Friends

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If you are in a different place, it’s nice to have the same support system you have back home. Look for people who have things in common with; maybe fellow Filipinos, fellow travelers or bookworms, it depends on whom you feel comfortable. Then you can open up, and they will tell you how to cope up or make you forget being homesick. Build lasting friendships so that when a problem arises, you won’t rely on people far away, but you’ll have someone to lean on who is close.

3. Keep in Touch

Skype, Facebook, Whatsapp or Viber message your loved one at least once or twice a week, keep in touch but don’t overdo it. You might miss them too much and get jealous of what they are doing; especially if a party is going on and you’re not there. However, never forget to say hi because it’s comforting to see a familiar face even on screen.

4. Positive Thoughts

Be an optimist, don’t think of negative thoughts like “people don’t like me,” or “I don’t understand anyone.” Change those to “people will like me, soon, I just have to worm my way in their heart,” “I’ll don’t understand anyone, but I will learn the language then I can talk to them, or maybe they’ll help to be fluent.” Focus on the brighter side and don’t go toward the darkness.

5. Talk It Out

There are some who really feel down when homesick, I haven’t really experienced that since I like exploring new places and get along with people easily that I instantly feel at home. However, there are people who are unlike me, if you are that person, find a friend and talk about it. It’s okay to be sad or depressed because of homesickness. There’s no shame in being lonely. Find a person you trust, be it from your new place or at home and talk it out and he/she will help you cope or be there for you.

6. Write on a Journal

If you are feeling down, write it out. Writing one’s feelings eases what you feel within and help you organize your thoughts better. You can release your negative thoughts in that notebook and keep positive on in your mind. Also, don’t forget, it’s private, and no one will judge you with what you have written.

7. Do Filipino Related Things

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When you miss home, you can always do something that reminds you of it; it’s okay. You can eat or cook Filipino food, go to places that remind you of something in our country or talk to Filipinos. Forgetting our culture so that it can’t trigger our homesickness is sad. We must embrace it, share it even. You’re allowed to do things to feel at home.

8. Invite a Friend

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Invite a close friend or a family to visit you or travel with you in your new place. Maybe someone has a bit extra time and money to see you and hang out. You can tour him/her around your new home. Having a familiar face near you even for a bit is comforting, who knows he/she can also bring you delicacies you miss so much.

9. Me-Time

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Spending time alone to reflect is beneficial. If you spend 24/7 with your new friends to distract you from missing home, it is a bit unhealthy. It’s okay to be homesick; you are not weak because of it. It’s okay to take a break too. Go to a serene or quiet place, meditate or reflect on what has happened. Be grateful for the happy things that have happened to you.  

10. Learn Something New

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The place you are in may have different cultures, cuisines, or language. It will keep our minds busy and distract us from wandering to that lonely road. Plus learning motivates us, as they give us a goal and something to look forward to.

11. Treat Yourself

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If you are working, you can treat yourself by going out with friends or alone or exploring another part of the country you’ve never been too. If you are traveling, treat yourself to a luxurious hotel or a spa, to relax and unwind. When we treat oneself, even with food or new clothes, we feel energized and content; being happy keeps us mentally healthy too.

12. Remember your Purpose

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If you are homesick and think of going home, remember why you are there in the first place. Is it to work, to help your family? Or is it to study to have a better job? Or is it to travel because it’s your dream? Reaching our goals isn’t easy. There are hardships and obstacles in reaching our goals, but we shouldn’t surrender because we miss home. Homesickness will pass, but our dreams are right in front of our faces and reaching out to us. Don’t cower because loneliness, you will overcome it, reach out and hold it tight.

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Being homesick is okay, don’t judge a person because of it. Everybody feels homesick at different paces or intensity. However, the world is big, and your new place is waiting for you to explore it. The loved ones you have left in the Philippines are always there to support you; they won’t forget you because you’re not there. You may be away physically, but in spirit, you are still there with them.

Embrace your new destination; you are there for a reason. You are there to reach your dream. Should you feel homesick, read this post again or perhaps bookmark it or list it on your notebook, so that it can help you cope up. You will overcome it as I did. Be grateful for the opportunity to go abroad as some can’t; greater things are waiting for you. May your dreams come true!

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