Day 3: Montenegro Stone House Renovation Journey -our Future Organic Garden in Montenegro

If you’re new on the blog then just want to update you that Jonathan and I bought a Stonehouse villa on the last week of October and we moved here at the end of November.

Our house is 200 years old, beautiful already but we want to make it very modern inside and have a massive infinity pool and garden.🙏🏽

When we checked the house, we didn’t know that there’s another plot of land beside it that is included.. Jonathan was very happy as he loves gardening.🙏🏽

We plan to clear this plot and plant a lot of veggies, herbs and oranges (hopefully kalamansi too! Haha) so I can have more stuff for cooking.. it’s super cheap to buy organic groceries in Montenegro but just cool to have our own.😍

Our cats have been pretty busy too.. one of them brought a bird inside the house that eventually died.. we thought it was Zissou but then Captain Ahab brought one bird again to Jonathan. 😬😬

I think he learned a lot on how to catch a bird by watching on his tv.. oopsies!😅

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