4 Common Misconceptions About Traveling Abroad That You Shouldn’t Believe

When it comes to traveling around the world or planning for a trip, most people get overly excited. Travel gives you the excuse to buy new swimsuits/swim trunks, tan, and workout to get beach body ready… The anticipation leading up to your trip drives you crazy but once the time finally arrives, the only thing on your mind is the beach, sun, and sand… right?

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Well, for most people, fun and adventure is at the forefront of their minds but for some, the only thing that they associate with traveling abroad is that it’s expensive, dangerous, and only for “rich people.” It’s people who have that type of mindset that makes you wonder where are they getting their information from?

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Every continent, country, city, and town all have unfavorable areas, right? Of course, but that doesn’t stop people from visiting those locations. There may be parts of Japan and Chicago, Illinois that are considered dangerous areas but that doesn’t stop visitors from coming to enjoy the authentic Japanese cuisine or deter people from coming to a Chicago Bears game.

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The U.S. Department of State says that if you plan your trip in advance, you can have a safe and enjoyable trip, and that pertains to whether you’re traveling abroad or in the United States. So, that is one misconception debunked but we’re going to dig a little deeper into more travel misconceptions that people seem to have with no viable proof that these myths are true. Take a look at some of these silly misconceptions people have about traveling abroad.

If You’re Not Rich, Traveling Abroad Is Expensive

Traveling abroad does cost money but it’s not necessarily expensive. People come to these conclusions based on the commercials and magazine ads that showcase the luxurious hotels and cruise lines. Even with that, that doesn’t necessarily have to mean that you have to take a cheap and “crappy” trip abroad to be able to afford it… the key to traveling abroad is financially planning ahead.

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For one, you can’t travel anywhere for free… you’re going to have to pay for something but if you have to money to pay for your trip, then “expensive” won’t be the word that comes to mind when you travel… it’s will be more like “expenses paid,” because your trip will be paid for!

As mentioned earlier, the key to affording your trip is financially planning ahead, right? Yes, so if you’re not sure how to go about financially planning for a trip abroad, here are a few tips you can follow on how to fund your trip.

Have a Yard Sale or Garage Sale

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Selling “stuff” you no longer use will not only help provide funds for your trip but it will also declutter your home! If you get end up selling clothes that you no longer can fit or just simply won’t wear anymore, that gives you an excuse to buy more clothes for your trip plus that gives you extra money to pay for your trip… the amount you make will depend on how much you sell and how much you sell things for.

Establish a Second Source of Income

Having a second source of income is very common these days, and you almost need to have it to be able to live and have a fun social life. One way people establish extra income is by working a part-time job. Working part-time at a restaurant or in retail usually is a big contribution to funding a trip abroad.

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People also start their own business. The key to earning additional income is to work smart and not hard. People work smart by starting their own online business. It allows them to sell handmade items or resell retail items, all from the comfort of their own home… if that’s not working smart, nothing is!

You Shouldn’t Drink the Water Wherever You Go

The phrase “don’t drink the water” is a phrase commonly told to travelers venturing to Mexico. It is recommended to not drink the water there to avoid stomach or digestive problems that could result in diarrhea. If a traveler experiences this digestive turmoil, it is said to be the direct result of “Montezuma’s revenge.”

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Now, just because that rumor is said for Mexico, that doesn’t mean that it is a rumor everywhere… This saying is simply saying to not drink the tap water there. If this misconception freaks you out too bad, you always have the option of bottled water but this is definitely a rumor that has unnecessarily terrified travelers for many years… let’s put this misconception to rest.

Solo Travel for Women is Not Safe

Men and women both face solo travel risks but women do need to be more cautious in certain scenarios and instances. The key here is to use your common sense and good judgment but the aspect of safety isn’t based on gender and whether a woman is traveling by herself.

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In all honesty, a male or female traveler has a higher chance of dying or getting injured abroad from getting hit by a car rather than getting kidnapped or murdered… that was a little gory but that misconception needed to be debunked.

Locals Know Everything

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When it comes to traveling abroad, most visitors to foreign lands tend to believe that in order to learn the lay of the land, they need to become friends with the locals because they know all the best spots for tourists. Well, what makes you think that is true? Do you know all the attractions in the area you live in? Probably not.

A lot of people tend to think that the locals know everything there is to know about the destination you’re in but oftentimes they don’t… it’s mainly because they live there. Locals tend to avoid tourist attractions because they don't like the crowds that come with tourists. Locals can typically tell you great places to eat but they are sometimes clueless about things to do in the area.