Drawer, Cabinet Organizer and Storage Ideas [Montenegro StoneHouse Renovation Vision Board]

A cabinet is one of the best inventions of all time if you’d ask me. Imagine a home without this awesome furniture? It would obviously look like a war zone inside your house. We don’t want that! The good thing is, there are a lot of different types of Cabinet you can find anywhere. From a kitchen cabinet to a closet where you can keep your clothes, accessories, etc. However, some people still don’t know how to tidy their things inside their cabinets. Others just put their stuff inside without organizing them. In that case, a cabinet doesn’t serve its main purpose - ‘organization’. Here, we’ll tell you how you can organize your things properly. 

First, choose the cabinet/closet you like. You must choose the one that suits your taste, fits in your room, and has a lot of space that’s enough for your things. When you already have this cabinet of your choice, you’re now ready to organize your things. 

To start organizing your cabinet, declutter your clothes first. Divide your clothes into categories like accessories, dresses, undergarments, outerwear, pants, and tops. By doing this, it’s easier to find the clothes your want to get rid of and want to keep. After separating your clothes, shoes, accessories, etc., it’s now time to empty and clean your closet. A clean cabinet/closet means clean clothes.

Once you finished cleaning your cabinet, store your clothes by category. It’s so satisfying opening your cabinet and seeing your clothes properly categorized. It’s much easier to find your favorite shirt too! To organize different types of clothes, remember this: you should hang the delicate or fancy ones, stack thick items such as sweaters or denim, roll pajamas, workout clothes, and t-shirts into storage boxes, and store your favorite cloth on the eye level for easy search. If you’re very meticulous with your wardrobe, you can also separate your clothes by color. 

For your undergarments, you can use drawer dividers. The easiest way to maximize the space in the compartment is to roll your socks, underwear, belts, and tights. This method is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. 

If you have empty wall space in your cabinet, you can use this to hang your jewelry and accessories. In this case, all spaces in your cabinet would be used but it won’t look messy at all.

And that’s our simple tips on how you can organize your cabinet. While there are a lot of ways to organize your things, the simple steps above are some of the easiest to follow.

However, it must be easy and fun at first, but consistency is the key. Without consistency, your lovely cabinet will look messy again in no time. So make sure to always keep your things tidy in order to save time looking for the clothes you bought the other day but forgot where you put them. 

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