The Adventures of Captain Ahab and Little Zissou - From Sailor Cats to their travels around the world
about our cats
Captain Ahab
Birthday: October 2017
Birthplace: Marathon, Florida Keys, USA
Countries Traveled: USA (Florida, Puerto Rico, New York & New Jersey), Bahamas, Turks & Caicos, Dominican Republic, Germany, Croatia and Montenegro
Little Zissou
Birthday: June 2018
Birthplace: Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
Countries Traveled: Dominican Republic, USA - (Puerto Rico, New York & New Jersey), Germany, Croatia and Montenegro
Articles about Living and Traveling with Cats
Traveling with Cats from USA to Europe on an Airplane Cabin - Tips, Requirements & Step by Step Guide
Litter Robot : That One Thing Every Busy Cat Mommy Needs!
Lollimeow BUBBLE BACKPACK - Awesome Bag for your adventure cats!
20 Purrfect Things of Captain Ahab The Sailor Cat & Little Zissou - How You Can Buy Them For Your Purr Babies / Cats
How to Travel to the Bahamas with Your Cat - Step by Step Process for the Entry Permit for Pets
Flying with Cats on an Airplane Cabin - Useful Tips for Safe & Relaxing Air Travel Experience with your Pets
List of Airlines with the Best Pet Policies if you want to Fly with Cats in the Cabin