Kach Solo Travels Day 67: Sunday Fun Day in New York 😜

I woke up at around 10am after getting home at 5am from the party with my friends on Saturday night!

My body finally adjusted with the timezone which means no jetlag for me this time! Woohoo! β€οΈ

I met my Tita yesterday because while I was in Europe I spent my night ordering stuff on Amazon for the cats, Jonathan’s tools and things for my convenience (projector, vacuum cleaner, airfryer!) hahaha! Can’t believe that what I like now are stuff for the home! Hahahaha! Now, I have to figure out how I’ll bring them all back with me to the Dominican Republic! πŸ€ͺ Thanks Tita for bringing all my stuff to me.. even the kids carried it back to the apartment! πŸ˜¬

Then by late night, my friends (Esther, Jacob & Debbie) invited me to go wall / boulder climbing! Well, I’m so unfit for this but I did went to Queens to meet them then went back to their apartment so I can play with their orange kitties!! Hihihi πŸ˜‚ Jacob even cooked Japanese curry for dinner.. yummy!

Not doing any touristic stuff on this trip in New York.. have so many errands, shopping and work to do! Hahaha😬

Kach Solo Travels Day 67: Sunday Fun Day in New York😜
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