Kach Solo Travels Day 18: Arrival in Bucharest, Romania and meeting local Romanian friends!

When things don’t go well as planned, usually it’s because to teach you a life lesson or because something better is happening to you! And for me, it’s both!🙏

Now, I know why I ended up arriving earlier in Bucharest, Romania and it’s to experience and meet wonderful new friends! I’ve just decided to spend 3 more days here in Bucharest so will be here for 6 days in total! I plan to go on train trips to Transylvania and Bran Castle tomorrow so let’s see ⭐️

I woke up really early yesterday (Saturday) to catch the sunrise, do some work and to go swimming here at my beautiful hotel Athenee Palace Hilton Bucharest (Check the Latest Room Rates Here) then went out of the hotel to look for a laundry /laundromat to wash my clothes that I used since New York! Haha! It ended up costing me only 7 Euro for a big bag🤗 Then I walked for 3 kms. to go to the mall to buy an oil for my hair as it’s getting really dry then took the uber back to the Old Town to explore. I like taking uber or lyft whenever we travel since I don’t enjoy haggling anymore with rates and I’ve read it’s not fun to do so here as a tourist! But most of the time I walked yesterday and my Fitbit said I did 10 kms! Haha 🤪

Unlike other cities, the Old Town here is pretty “new”, I mean renovated to have more bars and restaurants (you’ll see a lot of strip clubs which I think why there’s a lot of guys on stag parties here. lol!). It feels weird to put my selfie stick out with my gopro so I can have my face in photos as I decided not to bring the big camera I was just there to check it out for a bit before I do a full tour around! Haha 🤪

It’s interesting to see during the daytime but I was so surprised about returning at night time as it fully transformed to a party town! 😎 After taking photos and reading the history of some buildings etc, I had to take a break to reply to emails while waiting for my laundry to be finished and I found Starbucks.. you won’t believe this but the last time I was in one SB was yearsssss ago! I couldn’t believe paying 5 Euro for a small drink! Why do you guys do it??? Hahaha 😂 But they have fast internet so I was okay and during that time I ended up reading a comment here from a blog reader who is Romanian willing to meet up with me for a drink!

I couldn’t believe someone in Romania reads the blog! And at 7 pm, she and her husband picked me up at the hotel and brought me to this fancy skybar in a town called Nomads.. had a wonderful conversation (they have an orange cat too and they call each other “monkey!”) and they let me try a local Romanian cocktail drink! Thank you Catalina and Robert.. one day I’ll be the one hosting you ❤️

At 9 pm, I returned to my hotel and the guy at the concierge told me it’s too early for me to return to the hotel room.. would be bad not to experience the nightlife in Bucharest! I told him I don’t party anymore as I feel really old and boring (I always work at night!!) 🤪 He said that I should go and walk two blocks down the road and check Eden Garden - it’s a little park behind a museum with bars, food trucks, hammocks, and tables. You can bring your food but you must buy a drink!😍

I was hesitant to go but I still did and thought of just checking it out to take photos. The happiest part of the night is meeting this lovely Romanian girl who turned out to be exactly the same of my age, love cats, traveled around the world (did the Camino walking!), does yoga and very career-driven.. is she my reflection? Haha! I was confused where to go and she asked me if I want to join her and her group (another Romanian lady and Spanish guy)! ❤️ I had my mojito and I asked them if they know a place here to check out for EDM / Deep House/ Techno Music (my kind of thing!) and we ended up going to Control Club which is very popular here for their club and garden bar! Hanging out with people who you can have intellectual and spiritual conversations in a really nice place with good music! That’s my kind of partying.. thanks Mada, Ada and Max! 🤗

I feel like I’m back to my early days of backpacking.. I wasn’t even drunk but I had the best night of this trip so far! Thank you God and law of attraction really works.. you only attract the tribe according to your vibes! ❤️

How about you guys, were you able to have life-long friends from people you meet while traveling? 🙏

Kach Solo Travels Day 18: Arrival in Bucharest, Romania and meeting local Romanian friends!
Kach Solo Travels Day 18: Arrival in Bucharest, Romania and meeting local Romanian friends!
Kach Solo Travels Day 18: Arrival in Bucharest, Romania and meeting local Romanian friends!
Kach Solo Travels Day 18: Arrival in Bucharest, Romania and meeting local Romanian friends!
Kach Solo Travels Day 18: Arrival in Bucharest, Romania and meeting local Romanian friends!
Kach Solo Travels Day 18: Arrival in Bucharest, Romania and meeting local Romanian friends!
Kach Solo Travels Day 18: Arrival in Bucharest, Romania and meeting local Romanian friends!
Kach Solo Travels Day 18: Arrival in Bucharest, Romania and meeting local Romanian friends!
Kach Solo Travels Day 18: Arrival in Bucharest, Romania and meeting local Romanian friends!
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