Kach Solo Travels Day 36: Arrived in Vienna, Austria! 2 nights Stopover on my 112th country!

Hello from VIENNA, Austria! ❤️ I’m on my own again since my sister is going to Prague and Berlin, we’ll meet again in 2 weeks time in Italy.

I’ve “been” to Austria before but only at the train station so I didn’t count it as a country I visited so I flew for 3 hours from Crete, Greece yesterday and arrived here around 11am! Took the city airport train from the airport to the city center (only 12 Euro) then took the uber to my posh hotel! I’m definitely in Europe.. where it’s just convenient and safe to go everywhere on my own! ❤️

I’m being hosted by Hotel DAS TRIEST (Check the Latest Room Rates Here) where a lot of musicians and celebrities are staying when they visit Vienna! They gave me room 001 which is their business suite! Have you seen the live video tour yesterday? I’ll post photos later! ❤️

Since Vienna is a big city, the people here are very diverse which means I can find good Asian food! Hahah! No Filipino food but for lunch I went to have my favorite Vietanamese food then had Korean beef for dinner.. oops! I promise, I’ll try the Austrian cuisine today but this Asian girl needs her asian food! Hahahaha 😬

I walked a lot yesterday and decided to watch the Circus Roncalli which started in Germany and they only have a month of performing here in Vienna! Since it’s a last minute, the ticket I got was only at the premium seat which cost me 104 Euro (30 Euro is tax!!) Haha! It was a very worth it 3 hour experience esp the performers are world class! Aside from trying dishes, I really enjoy watching performances while traveling.. just to see how these people master their craft (the discipline and determination is very inspiring!) 🙏 (No they didn’t use real animals!)

Anyway, what else to do here in Vienna aside from the museums? I’m only here for 2 nights before I travel to Slovenia! ❤️

Kach Solo Travels Day 35: Arrived in Vienna, Austria! 2 nights Stopover on my 112th country!
Kach Solo Travels Day 35: Arrived in Vienna, Austria! 2 nights Stopover on my 112th country!
Kach Solo Travels Day 35: Arrived in Vienna, Austria! 2 nights Stopover on my 112th country!
Kach Solo Travels Day 35: Arrived in Vienna, Austria! 2 nights Stopover on my 112th country!
Kach Solo Travels Day 35: Arrived in Vienna, Austria! 2 nights Stopover on my 112th country!
Kach Solo Travels Day 35: Arrived in Vienna, Austria! 2 nights Stopover on my 112th country!
Kach Solo Travels Day 35: Arrived in Vienna, Austria! 2 nights Stopover on my 112th country!
Kach Solo Travels Day 35: Arrived in Vienna, Austria! 2 nights Stopover on my 112th country!
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